Thursday, March 31, 2011

Art History Presentations 4/13-4/15

AASem Presentations 4/13-4/15

Each member of the class is responsible for giving an oral presentation on an artist picked out of a hat or an alternative preapproved artist who worked between the Renaissance and Impressionist Eras. The finished presentations should be 15 minutes in length, giving the class an in-depth look at the artist’s life, work, and position in art history.

The following elements should be included in your presentation:

• Artist’s personal history
•Social, political, religious context/experiences relevant to their work
•Accompanying visuals including a more in-depth analysis of 2 of their
works of art
*These analyses should include all applicable elements and principles
of design (composition, color, emphasis, expression, etc.) and any
other historical information that's available to you.

**70% of your grade will be based on content, oral presentation
30% will be based on your accompanying visuals (may include powerpoint, posters, etc. Be creative!)

Wednesday 4/13:
Marielle, Casey , Brian

Thursday 4/14:
Izzy, Jessica, Kathrin

Friday 4/15:
Arin, Elizabeth